The characters in this larp will be ordinary people who, for a number of reasons, want to flee the wasteland of England and start a new life in Wales. They are not heroes or soldiers, doctors, or eminent scientists; many of them have no future in austerity England, others are looking for something better for themselves and their family. But do they have what it takes to impress the immigration service and get allowed in?
Some of the characters have been taken to the detention centre, others have tried to cross the border illegally and have been sent there, others have turned up at the gates carrying a few meagre possessions and have begged to be let in.
Characters will be co-created in a cooperative way between organisers and players. Various tensions and allegiances will be built into the characters to ensure plenty of drama during the larp.
The available characters page shows the full list of character archetypes at The Quota. Each of these is a function in the larp, the role one character will play. The archetype you pick will be the core of your character and it is not possible for more players to pick the same one. (This is the only part of your character you can’t change.)
How it works:
We recommend you open the page in Chrome. Mouse-over each box to read the archetype description, or if you click on the box, the full character sheet will pop underneath the archetype grid.
On November 20th we will open the character selection process. Once you’ve paid the first installment of the larp, or the full amount, we will send you a google form where you can fill in a few favorite archetypes. We will let you know which one you get, and update the grid once a character becomes unavailable.
Once enough people have their archetype assigned, we’ll start assigning people to work groups. We will work with you to create your character, and invite you to create connections to other characters in the game. More information on this later!
Please let us know if something isn’t working or if you have any questions: info@quota.cymru.