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Participant & Crew Safety

There will always be at least two cast and crew members present at any interview, medical, or search. 

We will publish the names of all attendees prior to the larp. If participants have issues or concerns about anyone attending they are invited to contact the organisers—in confidence—to discuss their concerns.

The larp features a number of meta techniques to control the intensity of interactions. Participants who ignore the safety techniques or fail to follow a de-escalation request will be removed from the larp.

The larp has a number of rules around inclusivity. Participants who ignore these rules or who harass another player will be removed from the larp.


Opt in, not opt out


All events are opt-in, not opt-out. Participants can go out-of-character at any time and without giving a reason. There will be no in-character penalty for not turning up to an event or activity. It is always possible to avoid any form of physical combat or interaction at any time.  


An out-of-character space is available to all participants. You are welcome to enter this space at any time for any reason. Your own personal ‘cell’ can be converted into an out-of-character space at any time simply by closing the door. You can nap, rest, or decompress whenever you need to.

Everything in this larp is opt in. Sometimes things happen in a larp that we as participants just don’t want to do. Not for any particular reason, but just that in the here and now they don’t work for us. Every interaction at The Quota should be treated as an invitation. You do not have to play out a particular scene or interaction if you do not want to.

We will teach all participants a set of meta techniques that are used to signal to other participants when they want to withdraw or change the terms of engagement.

We will be workshopping these meta techniques to ensure that all participants understand them. 



Charitable Partner - The Refugee Council. Charity registration number 1014576


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