The Quota Team are happy to announce their
partnership with the Refugee Council.
The Refugee Council works with refugees and people seeking asylum in the UK. They have been helping refugees for more than 60 years and have a thorough understanding of the difficulties facing people arriving in the UK, having fled war, rape, torture and with unimaginable stories to tell. Many refugees have lost everything and their lives will never return to normal. The Refugee Council offer a helping hand to support and empower them to rebuild their lives.
The Quota larp is being run to raise understanding and awareness of the refugee experience. All profits from the event will go to the Refugee Council. In addition, they are helping us by looking over our design to ensure the experience we are developing aligns with their values and their mission.
The Refugee Council says:
“We are delighted to be the charitable partners of The Quota. Thousands of people, including children, are deprived of their liberty and detained arbitrarily in the UK every year, simply on the say-so of Government officials. They have not been charged with, let alone convicted of, any offences, and the impact on their mental and physical health can be hugely damaging. Detention should play no part in the asylum system and it must end now. The Refugee Council is hugely supportive of events and productions, which, like The Quota, aim to raise awareness of this terrible wrong in an original and creative way.”
Maurice Wren, Chief Executive of the Refugee Council
Learn More:
The work of the Refugee Council -
Detention Centres in the UK -